crystals for stress

The Healing Power Of Blue Aragonite And How To Work With It

In this video, Christa the Crystal Expert talks about the amazing healing benefits of blue aragonite and how to work with the very special gemstone.

Live & Interactive Online Crystal Healing Class: Easing Anxiety & Restoring Calm with Lepidolite

Watch this video to find out what you will learn in this live and interactive online class. In this live and interactive online course, you will learn how to master your moods with lepidolite gemstone. Learn to deal with situations in life more effectively instead of defaulting into patterns of stress and anxiety. Register for the class here

Crystal Q&A Episode 2: Crystals For Brain Fog And Mental Fog

In this video, Christa the Crystal Expert answers viewers questions on which crystals are helpful for brain fog (mental fog) and she talks about the different contributing factors for brain fog and which crystals are useful for that.

Combining Crystals? My Favourite Howlite Combinations

In this video, Christa the Crystal Expert talks about which crystals combine well with howlite and why and Christa's favourite howlite combinations. Watch Christa's other video on howlite and it's healing benefits here

Crystal Q&A: Is it Ok Combine Amethyst & Hematite? Yes or No?

In this video, Christa the crystal healing expert answers her viewer's question if you can combine amethyst crystal with hematite. Yes or no?

Black Tourmaline Healing Properties

Watch my video to learn about the many healing benefits of black tourmaline gemstone.

Amethyst Healing Properties

Watch my video to learn about the many healing benefits of amethyst Crystal.

Crystal Healing: Creating A Relaxing Space with Crystals

Crystals and gemstones are wonderful tools that can help to create a relaxing and soothing environment. If you have been feeling stressed out then here's how you can create a relaxing sanctuary using crystals. Some crystals to choose from are:

  • rose quartz - a soothing crystal to clear stress and upset and brings a positive, sweet, loving and high vibration to a room that creates a tranquil atmosphere
  • amethyst - a soothing crystal that helps to cleanse away the day's stresses and rejuvenate the spirit as it promotes peace and restfulness 
  • blue lace agate - a tranquil crystal that is both calming and centering. It helps to sooth nervous tension after a stressful day
  • smoky quartz - helps to cleanse stress and negativity and grounds your energy after a hectic day

How To Work With These Crystals:

You may wish to create a relaxing atmosphere with the crystals. Choose one type of crystal from the list above or you can work with a few of them. Choose the crystals that feel right for you to work with. Cleanse your crystals. Here is my video on how to cleanse crystals. Once your crystals are cleansed, you may wish to play soft music or light a candle to create a peaceful mood in the room. You can place the crystals around the candle and as the candle burns, it radiates light. The crystals will absorb this light and then radiate their healing and calming energies into the room thus creating a tranquil atmosphere. This is a simple yet powerful way to destress and I personally work with crystals in this way to create a soothing vibe in my home and it feels so good!