crystal therapy

A Blessing For Ukraine

Here’s a blessing/prayer that I wrote to invoke the healing energy of the Goddess Berehynia. She is a goddess that is a protector of the home and people. There is a state erected of her in the Independence Square in Kyiv, Ukraine. May she watch over and protect the people of Ukraine during this time of war.

URGENT! Healing Ceremony And Meditation To Bless Ukraine And The World

If you feel called to help Ukraine, I have recorded a video to lead you through a very special healing ceremony & meditation to bless Ukraine and the rest of the world too. You will need some supplies for this ceremony and even if you don't have these supplies, you can still follow along and participate in the healing meditation. Please share this video with others because there is power in numbers. The more people participate in this healing ceremony, the more healing power that it has. Also, you can repeat this ceremony as often as you wish and when you repeat it, it builds healing power as well. Thank you so much and thank you for helping Ukraine and the world and making the world a better place!

Is Moldavite Too STRONG For You? Moldavite Crystal Combos To Help You Attune To It’s Healing Energy

In this video, Christa the Crystal Expert explains the which crystals and gemstones to combine with moldavite to help you attune to it's healing energies especial if you find the healing energy of moldavite too strong.

Why You Should (almost) Never Combine These Crystals With Moldavite And What Can Happen If You Do!

In this video, Christa the Crystal Expert explains which crystals and gemstones to (almost) never combine with moldavite (especially if you are new to working with Moldavite) and the reasons why and explains what can happen if you do!

Rainbow Obsidian: A Rescue Remedy Gemstone

Today, I am drawn to write about rainbow obsidian. This is a wonderful addition to your crystal collection. When bright light shines on this dark obsidian, rainbows appear! Rainbow obsidian is an amazing gemstone that helps to absorb negative energy and stress states to help uplift you to be brighter and more joyful. It also helps to release the ill effects of negative psychic attack and helps to release old energy hooks or chording with other people that have caused you upset and/or heartache. Rainbow obsidian is like "rescue remedy" for the heart and spirit and will help to bring comfort in times of emotional stress and shock. This is a very protective gemstone that cushions you from the harshness of others and helps you to be bright even when dealing with challenging people.

Online Crystal Classes Now Available!

Many of crystal lovers around the world have been asking if I teach online crystal classes. I am now pleased to announce that yes, I am now teaching online crystal healing classes in a variety of crystal healing topics! Watch the video to find out more!