healing with clear quartz

A Blessing For Ukraine

Here’s a blessing/prayer that I wrote to invoke the healing energy of the Goddess Berehynia. She is a goddess that is a protector of the home and people. There is a state erected of her in the Independence Square in Kyiv, Ukraine. May she watch over and protect the people of Ukraine during this time of war.

URGENT! Healing Ceremony And Meditation To Bless Ukraine And The World

If you feel called to help Ukraine, I have recorded a video to lead you through a very special healing ceremony & meditation to bless Ukraine and the rest of the world too. You will need some supplies for this ceremony and even if you don't have these supplies, you can still follow along and participate in the healing meditation. Please share this video with others because there is power in numbers. The more people participate in this healing ceremony, the more healing power that it has. Also, you can repeat this ceremony as often as you wish and when you repeat it, it builds healing power as well. Thank you so much and thank you for helping Ukraine and the world and making the world a better place!

Clear Quartz Healing - A Gemstone for New Beginnings

Now that we have entered into the New Year, I have been working with clear quartz extensively this past week. Clear quartz is an amazing crystal that helps to clear the past whether it's a past stressful event or obstacles that have hindered moving forward and achieving goals. Yes, clear quartz is a wonderful crystal for cleansing and clearing what no longer serves so that one's energy can be freed up to create and flow forward in life. No only that, when used in an appropriate way, clear quartz can be programmed to amplify one's intentions so that manifestation power is activated to make those positive intentions a reality. This is a very powerful healing practice as it has made a huge difference in my life. If you want to experience this too, I am teaching a live and interactive online crystal class on this very topic.