crystal healing classes

Can You Feel The Energy Of A Crystal? Yes Or No? And The Reasons Why You Can or Can't

In this video, Christa the Crystal Expert answers viewers questions on what does it mean if you can feel the energy of a crystal and what it means if you can't and the reasons why.

Yellow Calcite Healing Properties

Yellow Calcite is a wonderful gemstone that has an uplifting and empowering effect. Watch my video to learn more about yellow calcite's healing benefits!

Rose Quartz Healing - Opening Your Heart To Love


Rose Quartz is one of my all-time favourite healing crystals. It has a gentle and soothing yet powerful healing energy. To attract love into our lives whether it is a love partnership or a friendship we need to start with ourselves. How open is your heart to love? How open is your heart to love yourself? How open is your heart to love others? When a betrayal has happened with a friend, loved one or love partner, it can lead to feelings of heartache and create an energetic scar on the heart making it hard to trust or love others. In the cases of betrayal or when a relationship has ended, it's easy to blame oneself and questions may arise such as: what did I do wrong? Or what could I have done differently? This sort of thinking can lead to blame, guilt, shame, and/or create low self worth. When this happens, the ability to trust and love openly can shut down also making it difficult to attract loving and healthy relationships. When the heart is holding this wounded vibration, it can attract unhealthy relationships that are matching the vibration of the wounded heart centre leading to more wounding. The good news is that rose quartz can help us to to shift the wounded vibration and strengthen the heart centre to heal from past heartache, upset, grief and betrayal. When the heart centre heals and strengthens, it holds a happier, brighter vibration and self love blossoms so that we can love ourselves and create and attract more healthy, loving relationships too. I am teaching a live and interactive online class on this very topic: Opening Your Heart to Love with Rose Quartz.

Clear Quartz Healing - A Gemstone for New Beginnings

Now that we have entered into the New Year, I have been working with clear quartz extensively this past week. Clear quartz is an amazing crystal that helps to clear the past whether it's a past stressful event or obstacles that have hindered moving forward and achieving goals. Yes, clear quartz is a wonderful crystal for cleansing and clearing what no longer serves so that one's energy can be freed up to create and flow forward in life. No only that, when used in an appropriate way, clear quartz can be programmed to amplify one's intentions so that manifestation power is activated to make those positive intentions a reality. This is a very powerful healing practice as it has made a huge difference in my life. If you want to experience this too, I am teaching a live and interactive online crystal class on this very topic.

Online Crystal Classes Now Available!

Many of crystal lovers around the world have been asking if I teach online crystal classes. I am now pleased to announce that yes, I am now teaching online crystal healing classes in a variety of crystal healing topics! Watch the video to find out more!